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Backcountry ski and snowboard tours Sierra Nevada Volcano to Termas Cañon del Blanco.

Mapu Connect

The stories of the original caretakers of our lands told by the descendants of the Mapuche and Pehuenche people. We offer you a space to know them through their words and also through their presence in our cultural experiences. Many of the lands on which we tread are still in the hands of the communities that have resided here for thousands of years. Timid handshakes and sparkling souls come to life through conversation about the history of these sacred territories.   

Mapuche, "mapu" means earth, "che" means people which translates to "People of the Earth"

Pehuenche, "pehuen" means araucaria, translating to "People of the Araucaria" 

Connection with nature in ancient stands of Araucaria trees while skinning through jurassic landscapes.
Spring ski and snowboard volcano tours in the Andes of Malalcahuello, Chile
Indigenous culture that is welcoming and generous.
Backcountry Guided Tours with the Best Guides in Chile.


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